Forever Knight Fan Fiction Writing Resources


This is a Forever Knight fan site dedicated to helping fan fiction writers be more accurate and informed.

Resources This is where you want to go to find resources for your own fan fiction: online and offline.
My Fan Fiction Read my fan fic and tell me what you think. Includes my completed stories, my works in progress, and my story ideas.
Me Learn about me.

| Front Page | My Fan Fiction | Resources | Links | Me |

This site was updated on 11 February, 2000


 The Forever Knight characters, idea, and universe are owned by Sony/Tristar and Parriot & Cohen. I am using them for non-profit purposes and have no intention of infringing on copyrights. If you think that I am, let me know and I will attempt to remedy it.

This website is owned by Kusine Kaninchen and her other persona of Jessica Roberts. You can contact either at  Remove the obvious to e-mail.